February 26, 2021
Darine Samarani
Have you met AUDREY YET ?
Introducing Audrey:
It’s red. It’s luscious. And it has that smooth velvety texture to it. You guessed it - it’s our one and only signature red lipstick Audrey! As with all of the colors of my lipsticks, the idea of this flaming red color came to me while I was on a trip to Europe (did I mention how much I love traveling to Europe? Wait for my next travel blog!).

I suddenly realized that I couldn’t own a makeup brand and not have that classic red color that is a must-have in every girl’s wardrobe. I immediately contacted my makeup supplier in France, and we began experimenting with all the red pigments available until we reached the right formula: smooth and not too shimmery, velvety and not too bright, with a certain attractiveness that cannot be denied...aaand this is how Audrey was born! This lipstick staple has made its way to the hands and makeup pouches of all our loyal Face Of Dee customers who have worn Audrey on numerous occasions: weddings, dates, girls’ night out, photoshoots, clubbing, partying and of course (as is the case with me) business meetings. Wearing Audrey, a woman feels free, unrestrained, glamorous and charming to a fault. Audrey is the red of all reds, the closest thing I can compare it to are the petals of a red flower. It takes a real woman to handle this color, so beware, you have been warned! Shop Audrey now at Faceofdee.com and don’t forget to leave your comments in the comment section below! Talk to us, we’re here to listen to your reviews!
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